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And, while that is, of course, a lie

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L S Schneider, of Luc if you like (DO remember the name) ...may well be our best selling poet... he certainly is as I write this. Luc is a French-Dutch writer and behavioural scientist, whose first steps into poetry were taken as a young adult, when faced with the necessity to learn English and adapt to an international environment. While poetry and creative writing have been a central part of his life ever since, Luc dedicated his early student years to the social sciences (economics, psychology) and the understanding of human behaviour. His core academic interests, around the questions of identity, consciousness and the search for happiness and meaning, are important inspirations for his creative work. He's currently in the process of wrapping up his PhD at the LSE.

The poetry in this collection is truly exceptional. It has a way of holding the reader and stimulating diversity of thought through the presentation of words and ideas in a way that stimulates many a double-take. I said in the first line that you should remeber the name; I repeat that, this poet is going places. BUY IT!

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